After having been co-organisers of the
1st European Neuro-Agupuncture Conference
AMI is pleased to announce the
Friday May 10th 9.30 am - 1.00pm
information and documentation
on the clinical applications of Neuro-acupuncture
The Italian and Tuscan experiences (Volterra, Pitigliano, Pescia and Santa Fina)
Integrability of Neuro-Acupuncture into current clinical processes: its economic and medical advantages:
David Alimi, Jason Hao, Carlo Giovanardi, Tianjun Wang, Chunbiao Guo, Cecilia Lucenti
in-depth scientific workshop with lectures by
David Alimi Neuro-Auriculotherapy, Jason Hao Scalp Acupuncture
Tianjun Wang Acupuncture for Brain, Cecilia Lucenti Pediatric Neuro-Acupuncture
Rosaria Ferreri Integrated Medicine for Neurological Diseases
James Lu Daoyin activation techniques with Neuro-acupuncture
Those who attend just one of the Seminars (Alimi/Hao)
have the cost of the Workshop included in the fee
to register send an email to join
and afterwords the payment with bank reason
"workshop neuro-acupuncture conference"
Those registered for the Seminars or Workshop of the Conference
will be able to propose a Poster displayed during
Italian Neuro-Acupuncture Days.
Abstracts must be sent within March 31st - Object Abstract Poster
Agopuntura Medica Integrata
Via Pantaneto,71